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Dr. Matthijn Vos

After my high school diploma I started my studies in chemistry (analytical and organic) at the "hogeschool" and finished with a Bachelors degree as a teacher in chemistry. After one year of teaching I decided to continue at the University in Nijmegen and got my masters degree in bio-organic chemistry after 3 years in 1999. Subsequently, I was asked to do a PhD study on the development of a biomaterial coating based on DNA in a joint collaboration between the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and the University of Nijmegen. During my these 4 years I was trained in the fine art of cryo-electron microscopy by the same group as Wim via a long and still ongoing collaboration with the University of Maastricht. First on a CM100 and JEOL, but later the TU/e purchased the first Titan Krios and a T20 Sphera, which facilitated the best results of my thesis period.